
Wolves need attention and help. 

The Sedona Wolf Week is free or accepts donations. There are some amazing paid events in Los Angeles as well as the public zoom speaker series. It is an amazing gathering of folks from around the globe that are helping wolves.

I completed this short video to send around to continue to make visible wolves and draw attention to them at this very critical time. Please feel free to use the video to send around or create something yourself.

Wolves Need Help

I am in the group 12×12 show at the Cabrillo College Art Gallery in Aptos, which is now open to the public as of Nov. 8th — the first time they have been open for a long time. There is amazing work at this show, and I have a pack of wolves up that are for sale. Proceeds benefit Save Our Wolves and their efforts to re-list the wolves as federally protected and stop the hunt.

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